Health & Fitness

Practice Yoga for Core Strength and Flexibility

You simply cannot ignore the benefits of having solid core strength. A healthy core is important when it comes to not only having a good body posture but also for keeping your back safe. It gives stability to your entire body. However, core strength goes much beyond having six-pack abs. The abdominal muscles help with the bends and twists during a yoga session. We all know that yoga for core strength and flexibility requires focus on having a correct posture during the practice.

With that said, there are some mistakes that should avoid at all costs during a yoga session.

Yoga Mistakes You Should Avoid at All Costs

Let us understand the two big mistakes you should avoid when practicing core-strengthening yoga poses.

Read More – Practice Yoga for Core Strength and Flexibility

1. Arching the Back

A major reason for back pain and poor body posture is arching the back too much during a yoga session. It can happen when your core is under strain and you arch the back during yoga poses like the Plank.

What this does is cause the lower back muscles to experience too much strain due to it being the area that holds the weight of your body or leg. It causes the core to not support your back.

You should use more of the core muscles but only stress them to the extent where you can keep a flat stomach. Also, make sure to keep a flat back on the ground in a neutral position.

2. Straining the Neck

Neck strain occurs at the back or front area of your neck. Both of these occur due to incorrect head placement when performing a particular yoga for core strength and flexibility pose.

An excessive pulling or nodding with hands on the back of your head over-compresses the discs between the vertebrae in your neck. Pushing the chin forward or upwards increases the strain on your neck muscles. Make sure to leave a little space between your chin and chest.

There are specific yoga poses that help you develop solid core strength and flexibility. It is time you know the three major yoga poses for developing core strength and flexibility.

Read More – Topmost Yoga Poses To Strengthen Your Core 

Yoga for Core Strength and Flexibility – The Five Poses

Let us now understand the yoga poses you should practice for increased flexibility and develop better core strength.

1. Boat Pose (Navasana)

The Boat Pose is an easy yoga for kids pose that helps you develop core strength. It works on the abdominal muscles and hip flexors. Hip flexors are a group of muscles that connect to the femur, lumbar spine, and pelvis.

The Boat Pose strengthens these muscles and stabilizes the spine along with providing it with increased strength.

How to Do the Boat Pose

  1. Start this asana in a seated position and pull both your knees towards your chest.
  1. Bring your belly button closer to your spine to activate the core strength. Lift your feet off the ground.
  1. Maintain your body balance on your tailbone.
  1. Keep your legs straight and point forward with your toes. Keep both your big toes together.
  1. Do not round your back. Keep both your arms completely straight and parallel to the floor.
  1. Hold the position for 10 deep breaths and relax.

Note: You can bend your knees to keep the shins parallel to the floor.

2. Side Plank Pose (Vasisthasana)

One of the best yoga for core strength and flexibility poses you can practice is the Side Plank. It helps you prevent hyperextension of your spine by working on the internal obliques and rectus abdominis.

How to Practice the Side Plank

  1. Shift from the Plank position and put your body weight onto the right arm with your right foot facing outwards.
  1. Keep both your legs completely straight while placing the left foot over your right foot.
  1. Lift your left arm towards the ceiling and gaze towards the left fingertips.
  1. Take 3 to 5 deep breaths and roll back to the center of the yoga mat.

3. Forearm Plank (Makara Adho Mukha Svanasana)

Although similar to the Plank Pose, the Forearm Plank Pose is a bit hard. It helps you develop endurance and strengthen your lower back.

How to Practice the Forearm Plank

  1. Start on your knees with both your forearms placed on the yoga mat. Make sure your fingertips are spread wide on the mat.
  1. You should make sure your shoulders are placed right above your elbows.
  1. Press both your forearms into the mat and pull your shoulder blades away from each other.
  1. Tuck in your toes, lift both your knees and keep both your legs straight.
  1. Do not let your hips sag too low. Drop to your knees if you experience back pain.
  1. Hold this position for 10 deep breaths and relax.


Yoga is a healthy way for you to stay mentally and physically fit. The yoga for core strength and flexibility mentioned above are great not only for developing solid core strength. It also works on developing those abdominal muscles that help you with an improved body balance and stability.


I am a digital marketer, having 3 years of experience in Search engine optimization.

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